Crown Point Graphics Featured Artist

Crown Point Graphics Featured Artist

I'm so excited to be a featured artist with Crown Point Graphics! A few weeks ago, CPG publicist Amy Medhurst sat down with me (Covid/Zoom intervi...
She Who Dreams

She Who Dreams

Once upon a time, I was a writer. But after seven nationally published books, numerous signings and speaking engagements, I burned out. The world-...
Hope Angel

Hope Angel


Click here to see Hope Angel on the Current website.

He's also available here as a greeting card.

Abbie and Jack Puzzle for Kids

Abbie and Jack Puzzle for Kids

Super excited about my new Abbie and Jack United States puzzle due out this fall!  

Gratitude versus Greed

You know I started doing Heart and Hands Dolls several years ago for children and the elderly who were terminally ill or abused and neglected. I dr...

'Tis Near Halloween!

The Homeless Woman

Sometimes pain overtakes us; sometimes it seems we are so, so alone. But if we seek it, hope can come in the form of a beautiful golden sunrise, flower buds bursting with vibrant color, watching a puppy play or a baby bird take wing. Slowing down, breathing in the wonder of the moment, we discover miracles inherent in each day that can rekindle ebbing optimism. Sometimes hope must come from deep inside ourselves, a stubborn determination to never give up. Often it comes from others, and in giving to others. An act of caring, a kind word or a simple, heartfelt smile—because even the smallest things, given in love, can make the greatest difference. 

Good Morning, Monday!

This is My Wish for You...

This is My Wish for You...

This is My Wish for You...
Courage to Fly!

Courage to Fly!

You don't have to be perfect to be amazing! The opposite of discourage is courage—which is exactly what life requires. Even if you sometimes feel you don't have what it takes to reach your dreams, never give up!